Our Community Partners

The Clinton Symphony Orchestra of the Mohawk Valley is made possible through the ongoing support and partnership of businesses and nonprofit communities.

Please support our friends from around the region.

Join the CSOMV community and support our work by sending a note to contact@clintonsymphonyorchestra.org

Our Donors

Carol Dumka

Joan and Palmer Fargnoli

Palmer & Lindsey Fargnoli

Christopher and Patricia Fox

Karl and Kristin Kelly Hahn

Fred and Cheryl Haritatos

Margaret Jevens

Steven and Susan Keyser

Cindy Killian

John Killian

Elizabeth Kitson

George and Pinny Kuckel

Anne Landrey

Wendy Lawlor

Kathy Maloney

Judy and Ken Marchione

Thomas McAvaney

John Menard

Jan and Pat Moore

Dr. Roger Moore

Marilee Ensign and John Murphy

Colleen O’Neil

Joyce & Dennis Polanowicz

Debby Quayle

Peter Rabinowitz

Alice Root

Connor Schloop

Megan Schneider-Ajakh

Julia Scranton

Wayne Seifried

Jacquelyn and George Snyder

Janet Stengel

Vicky Stockton

Kerkira Stockton

David Esterly and Marietta Von Bernuth

JoElyn Wakefield-Wright

Anna Wisniewska

Alexander and Carol Zaleski